Maybe these information can be useful in the future and for this I wanted to document them here
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Diggles The Myth of Fenris\data\sphere.dat stores coordinates for calculating normals.
So 43 67 A2 3E 9B 6C 18 3F F8 F7 3C 3F means
x = 43 67 A2 3E = 3EA26743 = 0.317194
y = 9B 6C 18 3F = 3F186C9B = 0.595407
z = F8 F7 3C 3F = 3F3CF7F8 = 0.738159
And so 255 times
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Some settings in registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SekOst\Diggles)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SekOst\Diggles\Misc\PerfStats = 1 will create Diggles The Myth of Fenris/perfstats.xls
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SekOst\Diggles\Misc\AnimStats = 1 will create Diggles The Myth of Fenris/animstats.txt
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Some command line options
-soundlog will create Diggles The Myth of Fenris/log_asnd.txt
-infofile will create Diggles The Myth of Fenris/version.txt with some hex data
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The game should print lines from quotes.txt during level loading. At least this is how it works in paraworld