Seltene and Lagerver error

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Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2018, 00:57

Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von Michal »

Hi guys,
i have installed ModManager and 2 mods (Seltene* and Lagerver*) gives me errors

Code: Alles auswählen

Error(3882):unknown class:
    while executing
"get_class_category $name"
    (procedure "MakeTTEntry" line 2)
    invoked from within
"MakeTTEntry $ttfile $item $materials $tools [list $cn] $attribs"
    ("foreach" body line 40)
    invoked from within
"foreach item $items {
			#	log "  Item: $item\n";
				if {[string first [get_class_type $cn] "productionstoreenergyprotection"]!=-1&&[string first $cn..."
    ("foreach" body line 11)
    invoked from within
"foreach cn [ClassList] {
	#log "Class: $cn\n";
	if { ![regexp {^CObj*|^CTclRoot*} $cn] } {
		# log "Testing Class: $cn\n";
		set fail [catch {
			set ...":

proc MakeTTEntry {file name materials tools places attribs} {
	set category [get_class_category $name]
	set type [get_class_type $name]
	set era [get_class_era $name]
	set flags [get_class_flags $name]

	puts $file "{\n$name $category $type $era $flags\n"
	puts $file "// Materials\n{$materials}"
	puts $file "// Tools\n{$tools}"
	puts $file "// Places\n{$places}"
	puts $file "// Attribs\n{$attribs}"
	puts $file "}\n"

proc MakeExpEntry {file attribs atrlst} {
	set bitwert 0
	for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $atrlst]} {incr i} {
		if [string match "*[lindex $atrlst $i]*" $attribs] {
			set bitwert [expr int($bitwert+pow(2,$i))]
	set firstwert $bitwert
	if {2<[llength $attribs]} {
		for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $atrlst]} {incr i} {
			if {int(pow(2,$i))&$firstwert} {
				lappend bitwert [expr int(pow(2,$i))^$firstwert]
	if [string index $bitwert 0] {
		foreach nextwert $bitwert {
			seek $file 0 start
			if {-1==[lsearch [gets $file] $nextwert]} {
				seek $file 0 end
			 puts -nonewline $file "$nextwert "

set ttfile [open "data/scripts/gameplay/gen_tt.tcl" w]
set expfile [open "data/scripts/gameplay/gen_exp.lst" w+]
puts -nonewline $expfile "1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 "
set explst "[get_expattrib 0] atr_Kampf"

# [catch {}] == 0 -> okay
foreach cn [ClassList] {
	#log "Class: $cn\n";
	if { ![regexp {^CObj*|^CTclRoot*} $cn] } {
		# log "Testing Class: $cn\n";
		set fail [catch {
			set items [call_method_static $cn prod_items]
		if {$fail==0} {
			# log "Techtree Class: $cn\n";
			# log "$cn    $items\n";
			foreach item $items {
			#	log "  Item: $item\n";
				if {[string first [get_class_type $cn] "productionstoreenergyprotection"]!=-1&&[string first $cn "Zelt"]==-1} {
					set tttsection_tocall $item
					call scripts/misc/techtreetunes.tcl
					set materials [subst \$tttmaterial_$item]
					set tools [subst \$tttinfluence_$item]
					set attribs [subst \$tttinvent_$item]
					catch {unset tttmaterial_$item tttinvent_$item tttgain_$item tttinfluence_$item}
					catch {unset tttpreinv_$item tttitems_$item}
					catch {unset tttenergycons_$item}
					catch {unset tttenergyrange_$item tttenergyvalue_$item tttenergystore_$item tttenergyminstore_$item tttenergyyield_$item}
					catch {unset tttnumber2produce_$item}
				} else {
					set materials [call_method_static $cn prod_item_materials $item]
					set tools [list]
				#	log "    materials: $materials\n";
					if { [check_method $cn prod_item_attribs] } {
						set attribs [call_method_static $cn prod_item_attribs $item]
					} else {
						set attribs [list]
				set matlist $materials
				set materials ""
				set donelist ""
				foreach mattype $matlist {
					if {[lsearch $donelist $mattype] < 0} {
						lappend donelist $mattype
						foreach listitem $matlist {
							if {$listitem == $mattype} {
								lappend materials $listitem
				MakeTTEntry $ttfile $item $materials $tools [list $cn] $attribs
				MakeExpEntry $expfile $attribs $explst

close $ttfile
seek $expfile 0 start
log "[llength [gets $expfile]] Attributkombinationen zum Erfinden nötig!"
close $expfile

unset attribs materials tools fail item cn tttsection_tocall ttfile expfile explst

Error(3031):unknown class:
    while executing
"get_class_category $name"
    (procedure "MakeTTEntry" line 2)
    invoked from within
"MakeTTEntry $ttfile $item $materials $tools [list $cn] $attribs"
    ("foreach" body line 40)
    invoked from within
"foreach item $items {
			#	log "  Item: $item\n";
				if {[string first [get_class_type $cn] "productionstoreenergyprotection"]!=-1&&[string first $cn..."
    ("foreach" body line 11)
    invoked from within
"foreach cn [ClassList] {
	#log "Class: $cn\n";
	if { ![regexp {^CObj*|^CTclRoot*} $cn] } {
		# log "Testing Class: $cn\n";
		set fail [catch {
			set ..."
    invoked from within
"call scripts/init/makettree.tcl":
log "parse systeminit script"
log "minimal:[minimalrun]"

# log_mask -* +system +tclerror +gui

;# logmod Tcl								;# print only Tcl logs
logdebug off

if { ![minimalrun] } {
call scripts/init/customcommands.tcl

set info "[lmsg Language] Full version"
log "Loading $info"
set_run_info $info

;# useful procedures
proc ? { args } { print [eval {$args}] }

call scripts/init/shader.tcl
call scripts/init/txtinit.tcl
call scripts/init/animinit.tcl
call scripts/init/classinit.tcl
load_info "[lmsg "Classes done"]"

if { ![minimalrun] } {
call scripts/init/soundinit.tcl
load_info "[lmsg "Soundinit done"]"
call scripts/init/adaptiveinit.tcl
load_info "[lmsg "Musicinit done"]"

call scripts/init/lginit.tcl
load_info "[lmsg "LGInit done"]"

call scripts/init/talkinit.tcl

call scripts/init/claninit.tcl

call scripts/init/makettree.tcl
init_techtree scripts/gameplay/gen_tt.tcl
load_info "[lmsg "Techtree done"]"

if { ![minimalrun] } {
call scripts/init/fight.tcl
load_info "[lmsg "Fightinit done"]"

#log "initializing artificial inteligence"
ai init 0 data/scripts/ai/std_ai.tcl
set aideflevel [perfoptions playeraidefault]
if { $aideflevel != 0 } {
	log "ai enabled"
	ai enable 0
#log "AI initialized"

;# create map and excute procedure gameinit
# map create 128 128 {  }
map create 64 64 {  }

# call data/gamesave/preset_Urwald.tcl
# call data/gamesave/preset_Urwald_a.tcl

if { [file exists data/userstartup.tcl] } {
	call userstartup.tcl
} else {
	if { ![minimalrun] && ![get_mapedit] } {
		call data/templates/unq_menue.tcl
		MapTemplateSet 25 28

	        call templates/urw_gng_021_a.tcl
	        MapTemplateSet 21 40

	        call templates/urw_gng_022_a.tcl
	        MapTemplateSet 45 40

	    	set_view 32.368 40.858 1.38 -0.355 0.165		;# set inital camera view (x y zoom)
	    	sel /obj
			set FR [new FogRemover]
			set pos { 32.368 39.5 10 }
			set_pos $FR [vector_add $pos {0 0 0}]
			call_method $FR fog_remove 0 50 50
			call_method $FR timer_delete -1
			adaptive_sound marker menue $pos
			adaptive_sound primary menue

	    	sel /obj
	    	set ts [new Trigger_StartScreen]
	    	call_method $ts validate
	    	call_method $ts disable_logging

	} else {
		perfoptions simplecontrol 0

show_loading no
gametime start
log "systeminit script succesfully parsed"

Also i have a problem with F9 mod - my wiggles keep drop every item they have.
the modmanager works, cause zwergenstatistik works fine
Anyone see the solutions?
Beiträge: 242
Registriert: Di 9. Jun 2015, 12:18

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von cech12 »

Hey Michal,

that looks like, that the game files are different from the files which are used by the german game version.
Which game version are you using? (Language, version)
Did you edit some files before you use the ModManager?

Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2018, 00:57

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von Michal »

My Wiggles before patches has got pl version 1.0.4** (in wiggles\data\MESSAGES.txt there are pl, en and de versions)
File MESSAGES.txt before patches

Code: Alles auswählen

## "Age"
pl "Wiek"
en "Age"
de "Alter"
After patches it had lost pl version and got in MESSAGES smth like this
MESSAGES after patches

Code: Alles auswählen

## "Age"
en "Age"
de "Alter"
fr "Age"
it "Etŕ"
nl "Leeftijd"
es "Edad"
Normally i'm replacing the new file MESSAGES with my polished file and game works (without these 2 mods) in polish version, but now i have created new folder with a game, havent changed anything (no polish version) but game still aint running with these mods.

After instalation patches game goes into 1.0.844 de version and i can change the lang to en de fr it nl or es in regedit but mods aint work on any of them.
Beiträge: 242
Registriert: Di 9. Jun 2015, 12:18

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von cech12 »

Ah okay, you have a polish version of the game. :)
The mods are actually not tested with this version. It would be great, when you can open issues at github with the files of your game version (after patching and without any mod an changing)

Please be so nice and open an issue here:
for the mod "Lagerverbesserung". It would be great, when you attach there the following files (maybe as a zip):
  • Data/Scripts/classes/items/transport.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/classes/story/story.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/classes/work/lager.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/classes/zwerg/z_work_prod.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/init/animinit.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/misc/techtreetunes.tcl
  • Data/messages.txt
and put the error message in the description.

And open an issue here:
for the mod "Seltene Ressourcen". Please attach these files as a zip:
  • Data/Scripts/classes/items/werkzeuge.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/classes/work/dampfhammer.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/classes/work/hochofen.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/classes/work/schmelze.tcl
  • Data/Scripts/misc/techtreetunes.tcl
  • Data/messages.txt
and put the error message in the description.

The messages.txt should be your original one with the polish content. :)
After that, I hope, I can fix that for the polish version. ;)
Thanks a lot for your testing. :)
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2018, 00:57

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von Michal »

i have created issues, hope all is fine. thank for Your time and great job
Beiträge: 242
Registriert: Di 9. Jun 2015, 12:18

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von cech12 »

Oh yeah! Thanks a lot. I will look at this in the next days and hopefully I find a solutuion :)
Beiträge: 242
Registriert: Di 9. Jun 2015, 12:18

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von cech12 »

Hey Michal,

I found the problem. The files are written in capital letters in your game version. This was not supported by the DigglesModManager since now.
To support the polish game version, I need some translations for the storage mod. See here: ... -407351517

I hope, I can release a new DigglesModManager version where you will can use the mods, soon. ;)

Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2018, 00:57

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von Michal »

i have added the translations u were looking for.
if there are more sentences to translate i will help with pleasure :)
Beiträge: 242
Registriert: Di 9. Jun 2015, 12:18

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von cech12 »

Thanks for this. :) I added them to the mod. :)

For other mods I need some translations. :D

Mod Powerdrink:
  • en "Powerdrink"
Mod SwitcherGeneratorDungeon:
  • en "On"
  • en "Off"
  • en "Generate Caves"
  • en "Game Manager"
  • en "Generate Forest Caves"
  • en "Generate Sulphur Caves"
  • en "Generate Crystal Caves"
  • en "Generate Lava Caves"
Mod Bugfix:
  • en "Dragon whelp" (or "dragon baby")
  • en "Dragonscale"
  • en "Dwarf king"
  • en "is under attack"
  • en "Player 1 lost"
  • en "Player 1 won"
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2018, 00:57

Re: Seltene and Lagerver error

Beitrag von Michal »

Mod Powerdrink:
en "Powerdrink" - Napój mocy

Mod SwitcherGeneratorDungeon:
en "Generate Caves" - Generowanie Jaskiń
i dont really know what u mean as "Game Manager" is it Menu with Save, Load, New Game and Quit? or something like wolrd creator?
en "Generate Forest Caves" - Generowanie leśnych jaskiń
en "Generate Sulphur Caves" - Generowanie jaskiń siarki
en "Generate Crystal Caves" - Generowanie kryształowych jaskiń
en "Generate Lava Caves" - Generowanie jaskiń lawy

Mod Bugfix:
en "Dragon whelp" (or "dragon baby") - Smoczek - its like "Little dragon", but i think it fits better than dragon baby which can be translated as Dragonborn from Skyrim in polish :D
en "Dragonscale" - Smocza łuska
en "Dwarf king" - Król karłów
en "is under attack" - jest atakowany
en "Player 1 lost" - Gracz 1 przegrał
en "Player 1 won" - Gracz 1 wygrał
