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Gain experience quicker

Verfasst: Sa 12. Okt 2013, 19:18
von trogdor
Sorry for the English, I don't yet speak German.
Found a way to have the clan gain experience quicker,
I techtreetunes.tcl near the bottom change:

Code: Alles auswählen

set ttt_clanexp						{}

Code: Alles auswählen

set ttt_clanexp						{{exp_Nahrung 1.9} {exp_Holz 1.9} {exp_Kampf 2.5} {exp_Stein 1.0} {exp_Metall 1.9} {exp_Energie 1.9} {exp_Service 1.9}}
I played around with different numbers and found these to work well. Let me know if you find any better combinations.
Note: Don't set exp_Stein too high or your Wiggles/Diggles will quickly only have experience in Stein/Stones.

Cheers :D