3D model edit

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Registriert: Di 24. Sep 2013, 01:29

3D model edit

Beitrag von PoueT »

Hello Everybody,

I am sorry to speak english here, badfully I don't speak german. (I use google translator to read this forum).
It seems that there is still active people playing this game here which is very nice ! (I am playing the english version : Diggles, the myth of fenris)

I have seen some post from Chris1231 which looks interesting about modding.

So If I well understood the .3db file is made by a custom tool and nobody can help us... ?
That would be very nice to make better 3D models + HD textures...
Beiträge: 197
Registriert: So 1. Mai 2011, 16:10

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von Arthur »


it's true that they used their selfmade packer for the 3db files. :(

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Di 24. Sep 2013, 01:29

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von PoueT »

Hi Arthur,

Thanks for the answer. Has some tryed to contact Carsten Orthbandt ?

I've seen thanks to this forum and the waybackmachine that there is an old forum "wiggles.foren-city.de" with a lot of precious data ^^.
I've read on this old forum that the game models have been created using 3D Studio max.

I'll try to have a look at thoses files. Any help is welcome :) .

Beiträge: 197
Registriert: So 1. Mai 2011, 16:10

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von Arthur »

Yes, i'm in contact with him from time to time.
He owns the source code again, but doesn't give it away.

I don't know so far, that somebody cracked the 3db files.

Good luck
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Di 24. Sep 2013, 01:29

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von PoueT »

Ok maybe he plans to make a future version of Diggles or a "HD version" and/or don't want to see some peoples using the original 3D models...

I wish it could be true or that he "at least" helps the community to make mods ...
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mo 2. Dez 2013, 06:48

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von spq »

Hi there,
just(this weekend) tried to reverse the 3db files and had some luck - i can display the contained models including textures etc.
some(much) stuff is still unknown but the models already look very nice...
code is dirty as hell but well it works somehow :)


Usage: ./parse.py <path to 3db file> <path to Textures folder>

You will need some 3rd party python modules:
PIL, pyglet (other viewers i used before "plain" opengl are VPython's visual and matplotlib, but they are no more required since the use of pyglet)

Btw. i speak german - just in case...

Greetings, spq
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: Mi 4. Dez 2013, 17:57

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von SkyNet »

Hey there

Is it really possible to extract those models? Or at least, to get this tool from the developers?
I use Maya 2013 to create models and i am good at it. Creating some models for wiggles sounds awesome for me. ^^

I can also speak german.
In Discord as: SkyNet#9744
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Registriert: Do 13. Mär 2014, 16:11

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von Rundai »

Gibt es mittlerweile schon neuigkeiten bezüglich der 3D Modelle?
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mo 2. Dez 2013, 06:48

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von spq »

i have been asked about the 3db parser, you can download it through git or (if git is problematic for you, i nopasted it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8708598/ )
greetings, spq
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mo 27. Okt 2014, 18:11

Re: 3D model edit

Beitrag von SilentPhil »

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